Our Ministries

Honor Pantry

In 2019 Branches built an honor pantry, by the front entrance, as a way people in the area could receive food 24x7. Our vision was to fill needs without any forms to fill out or questions to answer in order to get food. The pantry solely exists on donations from church members, friends, and neighbors in the community. At times it is quite full and at other times close to empty but when a call for food is issued, hearts respond. We see it as a way to serve our God by serving our community as Matthew 25:35 states, “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat.” The sign by the pantry says, “Honor Pantry – Take what you need. Leave what you can. Bless and be blessed.” 

Good Neighbor Homeless Shelter

Branches has the privilege of feeding our local homeless men, women, and families at the Good Neighbor Homeless Shelter located in Bartow County  The shelter helps individuals get back on their feet and focuses on their “return to the community as productive members.” Please join us in being God’s hands and feet as we support and encourage each person’s individual journey.
We fix monthly meals on the second Thursday of every month. The Templeton family heads up this ministry and emails out a link from the Meal Train website for the prepared food or purchased items needed to prepare the monthly menu. To be included send us your name, email and cellphone number to info@branchesofChrist.com for additional information. We drop off our prepared meal at Branches by 4:30pm on that Thursday and then it gets delivered to them.

Recovery Group Encouragement Meals

Branches started quarterly homecooked meals to show Christ’s love and our encouragement to those who gather in the Branches Foundation for a CA recovery meeting every Monday night.
“Beyond Human Aid” is affiliated with Cocaine Anonymous though anyone who wants to stop using cocaine and all other mind-altering substances (including alcohol and other drugs) is welcome. The group has grown to almost 100 men and women from the surrounding communities.
The family of Branches signs up to prepare a dish, or purchases something, from a pre-planned menu. We then gather to welcome, serve, and encourage them to stay on the path before them. It has been our honor and privilege to do so.

Love In Action Ministry


This ministry is one of the Branches family members, Jill S. She started it two years ago in her living room, she solely funded it, and continues it through donations from family and friends. To date over 2,500 Blessing Bags have been given out!!! She says, “Recognizing the growing need to help those less fortunate I began gathering items I felt were necessary for a person’s day to day care and packing them in lightweight nylon back packs. We distribute them to shelters in our area or on street corners if needed. Each Blessing Bag has toiletries, food/snacks, a blanket and other personal care items which helps them short term. Also included is a thin, paperback New Testament Bible. Our Savior’s Word is the only thing that will carry them, comfort them, and offer them eternal life!
With the help of family and friends, they pack and deliver as often as supplies are replenished, approximately every 6 weeks. At an average cost of $20 per bag donations are appreciated. It’s important to buy the same consistent items for these bags due to size constraints. For more information about this ministry email info@branchesofChrist.com

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